Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Jim Carrey: "I Needed Color"

So this short (six-minute) documentary has been making the rounds lately and after my instinctual "ugh, another actor that thinks he's Picasso" I gave it a watch because, hey - six minutes.

Turns out, it's pretty decent. The documentary, I mean.

The articles about the short talk about his art in terms from "some truly jaw-dropping paintings" to "He just should not be showing this stuff to anyone and expecting anything except derision." You make your own call on it. Personally, I'm not a fan of the art.

What I did like was the documentary's take on the creation of art and its power to heal. He was going through a painful divorce and he turned to art as therapy, which is an idea I can totally get behind. People use art as part of programs to stave off the effects of Alzheimer's as well as helping the effects of depression. Some days it's a struggle to get to the canvas, but when I do, the shot of endorphins I get really helps me out. It sure is better than watching TV all night, that's for sure so even if I can't get behind his art I understand his need to create and the good it does him.

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