Friday, July 15, 2016

What I'm Reading: Grunt

I just finished reading Mary Roach's new book, Grunt. If you haven't read any of her books (like Stiff or Packing for Mars), I highly recommend them. She takes a subject (in this case, the science that goes on behind keeping our military healthy and safe) and answers questions you've never thought to ask, with some pretty hilarious results. She's called "America's funniest science writer" for a reason.

I won't go into too much detail here, but it isn't her style to spend a lot of time on the "obvious" issues, instead going for the stuff you'd never consider in a million years -- think less PTSD, more weaponized odors and designing sniper clothing.

What always strikes me about Mary Roach's writing is her insatiable curiosity and willingness to ask ridiculous questions. I wish I could say that my desire to learn outweighed my fear of looking stupid because when I worry too much about "not looking dumb" I end up missing out on a lot of opportunities.

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